Sunday, December 8, 2019

What it's all about

I've worked on movie reviews over the years and have always wanted to find an easy way to share them. So, here we go. I've been told by friends the movies I select and enjoy are an odd mix, an eclectic lineup that nobody else would watch. On this page maybe you'll find out about a film you can become curious about and seek out. Maybe you'll find surprise that somebody else watched an odd one you've seen. Or, maybe I can save you the trouble from watching something truly awful. In any event, join me in celebrating one of the most fun pass times you can find around nowadays.... movies. 

Honestly, when I'm writing im also often watching a movie for the first time. This isn't always true, but often. There's something fun about first impressions and then looking back on these (mostly) low budget and probably rushed through film projects. Also, maybe sometimes it seems like I'm ripping on these movies and maybe I am a little, but it's all in fun. I love these movies and wouldn't write about them if I didn't. They are also pretty funny in lots of ways. 

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